Warning labels on cliffhangers!
Neither movies nor books should be exempt. Do they realize how disappointed Ed was at the end of The Desolation of Smaug? I forgot to warn him--but why should it be my responsibility?And that brings us to
by Marissa Meyer

A very oddball take on the Cinderella story, complete with charming prince and wicked stepmother (but her evil seemed to have logic in it's madness.) And androids. And cyborgs. And Lunars...like the comedy series that started with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, this ought to be called Cinderella and Robots.
I loved this book. Oh, it had the usual teenage angst in endless self-reflection. Oh, the world-building a little peculiar in a not bad at all way. But the plot was delightfully twisty and turny and the main character was a hoot. I liked her a lot.
But how long do I have to wait to see if she gets her you-know-what?