by The Mediterranean Dish
Not bad and could be easily prepared in the 15 minutes they suggested. Slice tomatoes into a skillet with the barest dusting of olive oil, sprinkle with minced garlic. When soft, add a little cheese (I used queso blanco not that nasty feta stuff), then pour on eggs beaten with baking powder, paprika, dill, coriander and salt. Plus fresh mint leaves, which I did not have. Cook for a minute and then slap it under the broiler to finish the top.
With fresh, ripe garden tomatoes and the fresh mint, this could be heavenly. Mine was prepared with those nasty pink acidy things from the supermarket. Wish I'd sprinkled them with a bit of sugar along with the garlic.
Aside: I'm not trying to be all Nero Wolfe about this, but I'm beginning to think garlic powder has no place in my kitchen. I just returned from a visit to a friend's house where it's just about the only seasoning used, and it seems to add a funny aftertaste to everything.
My stuffing recipe changes every year, but it always involves onions and celery stewed in butter; cornbread and toasted wheat bread; lots of seasoned broth with bits of meat in it, poultry seasoning, rubbed sage, and thyme. I should be charitable and offer to bring the dressing next year.
Rio Arriba Baked Beans
developed by the Bean Education and Awareness Network (B.E.A.N.)
These are really good. There's just something special about putting sugar on beans...remember the Shaved Ice with Beans on the North Shore of Oahu? No relation to this, of course, but magnificent.
Plus i have a weakness for baked beans. This is a good recipe, despite it calling for beer--I hate wasting good beer on a recipe--and of course the sugar is a given. I didn't spend money on "sun dried tomatoes packed in oil" but instead used some of the garden tomatoes I dried in the oven last year. Lovely things! But next time, I must insist on peeling them. The recipe didn't say to, but I know better.

What a winner to be the next-to-last recipe of the set! This stuff is hearty and wondrous. And strangely contains no garlic, no onion, and no ginger! Is it possible?
It's a vegetable soup with tofu, butternut squash (I used sweet potatoes), carrots, white potatoes, daikon, and shitake mushrooms. Stir-fry the in a little oil until they're browning and delicious, then add edamame, water, mirin and soy sauce. Also a bit of seaweed. When it's all simmered soft, add spinach, white miso paste and little more soy sauce. It was already so close to perfection that I considered leaving out the extra soy sauce, but it seemed to belong there.
Whatever the reason, it has a very filling, satisfying body to it.
If the last recipe turns out suckish, I may rearrange the results and put this one at the end.
Ginger Pork #1
by norecipes.com
How do I say this, Good! But I'll not likely make it again. Indecisive, no?
The marinade was tasty, but overpowering. Ginger, miso, sake and sugar. But nowadays my favorite way to have pork is to cook it with just a light marinade to keep it juicy, then dip it in a spicy Korean barbeque sauce.
But if you like a caramelized, tangy crunch to your pork, go with this one. Good.
It's over! It's over! Recipe Reduction is over!
No more cooking, no more books, no more husband's dirty looks.
Ruth Reichl's Hash Browns
I know that my goal of 199 recipes ended at #1, but I threw this one in as a companion to the pork. Plus, she made it sound so tasty in Garlic and Sapphires.
It was a failure, of course. I can cook really good raw-fried potatoes. Good as Mom's, IMHO. But my hashbrowns were a sad failure.
She called for 8-10 small waxy potatoes but I'd pulled up the wrong recipe and bought three gigantic russets. If I'd cooked only two of them, I think the proportion of potato to butter might have been correct. As it was, they were underdone after almost twice the cooking time and didn't have a brown, crusty exterior. To add insult to failure, my husband put margarine on them.
I'm not upset. No more cooking stupid recipes! I'm free!!!!!