Fri 11/4/2022
Today I made a plan to visit the fourth bird blind, and so I did. But first I took an early walk along an interpretive trail through the turkey roost area. I didn't see any turkeys, but I did gain a lot of miscellaneous information about the elm trees--Cedar Elm--the Shumard Oaks, and the Honey Mesquite. Not to mention pecan, sycamore and other river bottom trees. That's what they called them, anyway. I wouldn't think this land had ever been near or under the river, but what have you.

After my walk we drove over to the "Lover's Leap" overlook, a few miles on the highway. Nice view up there but nothing spectacular, and definitely not worth a drive.
Then I went off to the fourth bird blind. I forgot my camera, but even without that extra weight it was a long, tiresome walk. On the road. This one had the usual dripping water fountain made out of big rocks, plus a thistle feeder and some sunflower seed. But no birds. Great place--no birds.
So I walked back, did dishes and ate lunch, then set off for the first bird blind we'd visited, and this time I took my camera. Sadly, the Western Scrub Jay weren't around. I could have gotten a picture of a black-crested Titmouse but I'd put my camera away when they finally decided to pay a visit.
I got this Bewick's Wren,
And I badly needed to potty, so back to camp it was. On the way a big armadillo crossed our path and I tried to take a picture, but no luck. Try taking a one-handed phone picture with a dog going crazy and digging the leash into your other hand--
Not possible. After than I went to the Agarita Blind, where I saw (guess it!) no birds. Oddly enough, it was getting on to four o'clock by then, so I went down the road to the day use area in hopes of seeing some turkeys.

And there they were, but way off in the bushes where I couldn't get a good picture. I decided to keep on going on the road in hopes that by the time I reached the end and turned back, they'd be crossing the road. But my route was barred--
On second thought I might as well have kept going. They'd have moved away. But there were such a lot of them (10 or more) and they were rather big and evil looking. So I went back.
Good thing, too. After hanging around and doing a little house work, I went inside to bring Zack out for a potty. As I was stepping out the door, Zack in hand, I saw Ed on his feet aiming his phone at something....
FOX!!! I finally saw a fox again. I have not seen one since Yellowstone, over fifteen years ago
Later the deer came over to the field and massed around the edge of the trees, just as they had the day before. Funny creatures.

In the dark, just before bedtime, I could see them moving sneakily along the very edge of the trees, just behind our campsite. They seemed to be going the opposite direction from before. But who knows?