Thursday, October 12, 2017

Lost and darn near forgotten, but fascinating

Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew

I hadn't planned to finish reading this, just happened. It was so very readable.

When I originally put it on the to-read list back in January, I was fresh off a couple of other books on the subject. But now I've grown a little bored with the subject--not to say that it's a boring subject. And not to say it's not a great book--it is, or I wouldn't have finished it. Mr. Ehrman is working on questions like these--did Christianity start out homogeneous and later became diverse; what happened to all the offshoots of the early religious communities; where did their writings go and what do we know of what they were all about; and most interesting, why did orthodox catholicism "win" and all other sects lose? The  last chapter has some very interesting thoughts on that latter question.

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