Monday, January 20, 2020

Griping about recipes

Last weekend, wanting to get rid of the spaghetti squash from the CSA box, I made Sesame Spaghetti Squash Noodles. Results? Absolutely totally yuuck.

The idea sounded good--but only because I didn't think it through. Just like homeopathic "medicine", homeopathic cooking is Bunk with a capital 'B'.  You'll find a thousand recipes out there, saying: "Put spaghetti sauce on squash noodles to make a delicious and low-calorie main course."

No such thing. Tomato-based sauce on squash is hideous; most likely a cream sauce is too. But when I found a recipe that used sesame oil and soy sauce, I thought it was worth a try. I was fooled--some idiot was simply trying to substitute squash for rice noodles or ramen, and they failed royally. IMHO, the only good use for spaghetti squash is pig feed.

But I also made Veggie Sausage Sweet Potato Hash and it turned out surprisingly good. I have found another way to get rid of sweet potatoes!  Not that I'll need it; now that I'm quitting the CSA I won't have all those excess sweet potatoes any more. Unless I take a wild hair and grow my own.

After eating the hideous squash for lunch all week, this weekend I was determined to do better. I made my old standby "2nd Avenue Korma" and I tried a Vegan Japanese Soup recipe from Here's the soup:

My immediate reaction was, I must have screwed up! There's no way in fishballs that a real Japanese Soup would contain so many vegetables for so little liquid. But according to his notes, it's based on a Buddhist monastery recipe and it's supposed to be "stew-ish" like that. So I'll just enjoy and not be all critical about it.

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