Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Yet another cozy based on an interesting occupation--this time, estate sale planning

Another Man's Treasure

I listened to this on audiobook, and got so hooked I found myself making excuses to prolong my walks. I'm definitely seeking out the next one. The plot was excellent and the people really believable, even the villains. There's a lot of inter-character conflict or at least tension that could easily be exploited in future, even if she did make everything all lovey-dovey at the last.

However, be warned: she really like knocking her heroine around. After the heroine ended up in the hospital a second time, and then a third physical encountered loomed likely, I started to roll my eyes. Again?  And the heroine isn't exactly stupid about rushing off to meet the villain without even leaving a note behind to say where she's gone, but she's still pretty blind about it. in ways I can't reveal.

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