Monday, August 12, 2013

Not to be believed. But true.

After posting a couple of my recent book reviews, I've gone back and read other people's posts and felt like I ought to change my mind.  Mostly in the negative direction--people would point out things that had annoyed me, but I'd overlooked in favor of my overall good impression.  But sometimes the opposite--I felt bad for not appreciating a book that other people loved by heart.  Not that I'm saying my impression isn't valid, just that it's sometimes hasty and might benefit from a rewrite.

That isn't happening this time.  I loved The Favored Daughter: One Woman's Fight to Lead Afghanistan into the Future, and I care not for the opinions of others.

Is she the right person to become president?  I dunno.  Was a lot of the book a thinly veiled political speech?  Maybe.  Were there a few personal incidents that seemed glossed over, like she didn't want to be completely honest about her own mistakes?  Probably.

Forget all that.  It's a vision into worlds so different from mine that they could almost be fantasy.  It's a legacy for her daughters.  And all of us.

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