The thing has consumed most of my morning and is now taking a nap on Winston's chair. Do cats truly have no noses, like dogs think, or does he find Winston's smell comforting, like a big brother's?

I also finished reading
I Think I Love You
by Allison Pearson
Don't read reviews of this. Even the most careful review will give away too much of the story. I didn't know anything about it when I plugged it into my car speakers and started Chapter 1. And I was delighted by everywhere it went.
Let's just say that it starts in 1974, in Wales, with a pair of teenage girls who were--like most teenage girls--madly in love with David Cassidy. And it starts in London with a man who takes a writing job for The Essential David Cassidy Magazine. Two sides of the same teen craze--two people trying to figure out where they fit into the world--two could-have-been-true stories.
For all of my love of the printed word, I don't recommend you read this book. If you're not Welsh--or even British--you won't be able to pronounce the delicious dialect and have it flow trippingly off the tongue. British accents are so adorable! Get the CD sound recording and plug in for three hours of auditory delight.
Yesterday Edward and I ventured to the Angelika to see
Twelve Years A Slave
I was under-impressed. I think a good director could have made a really good movie out of this material. Sigh.
Makes me want to read the book.
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