Sunday, June 8, 2014

Guaranteed to be the last suit you'll ever wear

The Diet Fix: Why Diets Fail and How to Make Yours Work
by Yoni Freedhoff

I have high praises for this book.  Not surprising--I've been reading his blog for months.  Since I haven't tried his approach and seen it work, I can't say, "Buy this book."  But I want to.

His actual diet recommendations are very similar to The Zone diet with maybe a little less fat.  The plan for three meals per day and three snacks, never letting yourself get hungry, including a substantial amount of protein in every meal and snack, and keeping the overall calorie count low--all that is straight Zone.  I know that people (even me) can lose weight on this diet.  Your body is continually fueled and operating at a high metabolic level (if there is such a thing).  You never feel hungry so you don't sit around and obsess about the next meal.  It works.  I'm thinking of trying it for a little while.

But...I don't want to stay on such a diet forever.  All that protein that the body doesn't need...where does it go?  To nourish latent cancer cells?  And all of that meat and would cost a lot since I'm not going to eat animals poisoned with GMO corn, confined in the dark and kept alive with antibiotics...and in any case, why do we want to provide our body proteins pre-mixed?  If high-quality protein is so important, why don't we just harvest dead humans?

My other quibble with his approach is on a matter for which the research is not yet conclusive.  If eating all the time keeps the body running faster, is it also wearing out faster?  Is there any benefit to fasting?  When I tried the mini-fast approach, a daily fast from 10:30pm to 3:30pm, I didn't notice any difference in my energy level or concentration.  That's a suspiciously subjective observation--"I didn't notice."  Tee hee.

Anyway, all this is beside the point.  It's a good, well-researched approach from a doctor who has counseled a lot of dieters and truly knows his stuff.  It's not wildly out of line with other proven approaches on the market.  Mr. Freedhoff's method is centered on long-term, sustainable, healthy eating that doesn't make you compromise your quality of life. I say yes!

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