The Off Season
by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Like, wow! In some ways better than Dairy Queen. I wish the heroine had learned a few more lessons from her experiences in the first book, but who ever does?
She's grown up a little--that's clear--but there are always a couple of things you have to learn over and over before you get them down. Like talking to people. And admitting you screwed up royally instead of hiding under the covers and hoping the icky stuff will just go away.
Ms. Murdock is dealing with some serious human emotions here, so don't expect to get through it dry eyed. And don't expect to learn much about football--she mercifully skips over the intricate details and just assumes you're a football fan too and you'll "get it" without much explanation.
Well, I didn't get any of the football references. But I can attest that you don't have to in order to enjoy this series.
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