Eats, Shoots and Leaves
by Lynne Truss
Yeah, it was funny. Not as funny as I expected but with a title like that, I was over-hyped.
Now, I know where, to use, my commas. Not comma's--that would get you shot in this book. And yes, my first sentence was a blatant illustration of where not to use your commas. I know better now.
And I do so much want to get a dark red sharpie and carry it everywhere in my hip pocket, whipping it out and applying it fearlessly whenever an apostrophe is abused! Or missing! (Although I may have to carry the book in my other pocket and check it from time to time. It's hard to see what's not there.)
Correct? the teacher's chair--yes. Correct? The children's chair--better check! Children is already a plural so maybe it doesn't need an apostrophe.
Ow. I guess I better read it over again.
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