Thursday, June 25, 2015

Lot of title on this one

Down and Dirty Birding
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous, Here's All the Outrageous 
but True Stuff 
You've Ever Wanted to Know About North American Birds
by Joey Slinger

Did you know that the best way to see a Merlin was to watch pigeons and if one of them suddenly turns into a hawk, you've got it?   If you're a real birdwatcher, you'll know this isn't really a joke.  It sounds funny...until you've been there.

Here's a book full of good advice.  And jokes.  And sometimes you can't tell the difference...unless you've been there.

As a funny book, it's pretty darn funny.
As a how-to book, I wish he'd spend a little less time on the "parts of birds" chapter and added a chapter on field technique.  I'd love to read his pointers on squatting, crawling, climbing, and what to do when your binoculars are assiduously scoping out the Rufuous Hummingbird at your neighbor's window and they suddenly espie a pair of human eyes looking back at them?

It's a dangerous job, bird watching.  Don't venture forth without reading this first.

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