by Alexander McCall Smith
It took a horribly long time to get interested in this. The spoken book had a pace much slower than I'd have given it in my head, and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The slow pace gave me time to savor the timing of their lives; the cadence of their conversation; the respectful deference the people showed to one another. I got the feeling that conversations were conducted like Tai Chi moves, with space between to pause and deliberate movements flowing into one another. It was a brain bender for my Twitter lifestyle.
Once my brain synced with the pace and I got into it, I was hooked. And even though the detective maybe didn't solve the case she'd been pulled into, she solved other cases you didn't even know were on the table. Was Mma Makutsi a business-stealing turncoat, or had she been bullied into giving up on the case and turning it to Mr. Polopetzi? Was Mr. Polopetsi a co-conspirator or simply out of his depth? And what was the evil Violet Sephotho doing by opening a secretarial school with a name derivative of the Number One Ladies business name?
Very enjoyable and I'd like to listen to another one someday.
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