National Geographic Society

Although this was a book I bought on the mark-down rack at Half Price Books years ago, it could as easily have been a National Geographic magazine. Lots of pictures, of course, and a little more text than they'd typically cram in. I wasn't disappointed, exactly, but it could have had a little more meat to it. (Make that idiom legumes in the pot if you're a vegetarian)
I liked The Mormon Trail...Marching to Zion by Charles McCarry best. He put a bit of personal adventure in and he'd clearly been a historian of the trail for years, driving or walking every mile of it. Also good and was The Gila Trail...Pathway in the Desert by Don Dedera, but it was quite as long or as well written.
The book will get a spot on my shelves for a while longer,
at least until I get a chance to go see some of its sights.
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