I grew a carrot! (Happy dance!)
Who cares that it's two inches long? It tasted great, all three bites of it. There are more out there, too--I'll treat myself to one a day until they're gone.
If you're not a gardener in North Texas you won't understand what all this hoopla is about--carrots don't grow well here. I bought a tiny bunch at the farmer's market and they were skinny and tough. My soil is especially antagonistic to carrots--it's heavy, black clay. Someday, if I get it built up with 4-6 inches of compost and if I luck out with a cool, damp and very long springtime, maybe. But not likely.

I also harvested some potatoes and a pretty crop of rather smallish onions, too. The picture of potatoes here may look impressive unless I admit how much I zoomed the the camera.

What in the world? It looks like a spiny wartnock from outer space, or a cucumber shell with the juice sucked out. Where's the juice?

My tomato plants are up to chest-high. If they get any taller then on the next thunderstorm we'll see how well I did my caging and staking job. There's nothing so sad as going out after high winds and finding your tomato plants laying on the ground. (A little hyperbole there, but not much!)
Look at this work of art. A bean plant leaf, skeletonized. It's kind of pretty so long as there's only few. Any more would be a criminal act of sabotage by the animal kingdom.
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