Fiercely hot and incredibly humid, but the 7-foot tall okra loves it. Soon I'll need a stepladder to harvest it.
Planted the shallots I'd bought in the spring, but half of them were dried out. Planted a row of leaks and two rows of beets. Starting now I have to sprinkle or mist every evening.
Next weekend is the lettuce, etc. But the bed is not prepared. It's too hot. If it rains Wednesday as expected, I'll make better progress. After my labors, I retired indoors and joined the fall CSA--out of guilt. They were out there working harder than me and in the same excruciating conditions, and I was too cheap to support their agriculture. Plus, I'm not sure I can actually grow a fall crop. The only thing I ever planted in the fall was turnips.
Ed did cedar chips. Wonderful things--I love 'em. if I had enough there's be a three-foot wide path all around the garden, and at least 4-inches deep. Love 'em.

Here's how they looked yesterday,
at the max of the eclipse.
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