Sunday, January 7, 2018

Gulls on ice, nice

I snapped these pictures during my Thursday jog. Seagulls standing on ice, in Plano, Texas. Unbelievable, no? It makes perfect sense, it's just that I never thought of that particular stream ever icing over. Standing water, of course, but that one usually moves.

There were patches of free water; the ducks congregated there. But the gulls just seemed to enjoy standing around and socializing on the ice.

Gardening has officially begun!  The seeds are out of storage; the planting plan is in work; and the first purchase has been made. It's not a very exciting purchase to anyone but me, but it's one I really wanted last year--seed starting lights and the hardware to make a frame for them.


According to last year's notes, I started the cool season crops indoors on 1/22 and put them outside 2/26. But according to my memory, they were weak and spindly and not at all ready to go out at that time.

I don't know why I was in such a hurry but I do know that they failed; epically.  My notes say, "I really need to work on starting transplants early and giving them the intense, close-up light they require."  Should I trust my own advice?

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