Saturday, June 2, 2018

Recipe Reduction 113

Carrot and Beet Soba With With Chard
from A Modern Way to Cook

Next on the list of timed recipes -- 20-25 minutes is the author's estimate and it took me...
20 minutes 54 seconds!  Yoo hoo!

With one quibble--the recipe called for 3-1/2 ounces kale or chard. I used beet greens but what the heck, it's the same thing. The instructions said, only: "shred the greens." So I didn't start with a bunch of greens lying on the counter--I started with greens that had already been washed in three changes of water and stripped from the stem. Unless she buys her greens pre-washed in plastic bags, she left out ten minutes of the preparation time right there.

A similar ingredient was "leaves from a small bunch of cilantro". Why wasn't the five or so minutes it takes to pull the leaves off the small bunch of cilantro included? I'll guarantee you can't buy de-leaved cilantro in plastic bags.

It tasted pretty good but I don't expect to make it again. I'll decide after eating it for a lunch a times or two. I'm especially worried that the "thumb sized piece of ginger" that I was supposed to "coarsely chop" is going to bite me. I love ginger but don't like chomping down on a big hunk of it.

The final verdict: I love soba noodles, but the carrots and beets did nothing for them. Except stain them purple and make them hard to eat while you're wearing a white shirt.

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