When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for two people to get some stinking housework done, Mammoth RVs must sit idle. I can't say that much housework did get accomplished but Ed washed the windows and resupplied the consumables. And also flushed out the black water tank.
There were two weekends left before a big holiday that would necessitate us leaving Mammoth behind--along with the cats but we'll miss him more than them--and traveling up to Ed's mother's house. I had been having trouble getting up the enthusiasm to book another camping trip on one of the weekends. For one thing, the housework still didn't get done. And for another, the weather that time of year is typically whacko.

Mammoth got scheduled for her heating system repair. We weren't sure the man knew what he was doing, but he seemed to talk well enough to satisfy Ed (who's no mean slouch of a repairman himself) and he was willing to let Ed hang around and learn. If only that could be fixed, the only major hitch (pun intended) is getting the tow dolly worked out.
We might be trying it out in a week. Stay tuned.
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