FM 1244 east to 933 to 174 North to Chisolm Trail Parkway. Then TX-121 until it becomes Sam Rayburn Tollway. Definitely a preferred route. 933 is not a bad road--it's two-laned but smooth and has broad shoulders. A strong west wind kept trying to blow us off the road, but Ed coped well. Chisolm Trail out there is mostly two lanes with a concrete barrier between them. But it's limited access and brand new, with little traffic and occasional passing lanes.
1. Planned distance: 131 miles
2. Map time estimate: 2:21
3. Adjusted estimate: not done
4. Actual distance: probably pretty close
5. Actual time: 2:36 (including five minutes to park the Mammoth thing)
6. No stops other than traffic lights.
7. Average mph trip: 50
We made a pretty early start; we'd decided to go up the Arkansas the next day to visit with Ed's brother before he went home for more medical treatment. It was another lovely day and a shame to leave, especially on a Saturday. When I made the reservation I'd only booked Thursday-Saturday because all of the good sites were full that Saturday night. But no one ever came to occupy the space beside us, so possibly if we'd asked we'd have found there was a cancellation and we might could have moved to it.

My bird list is embarrassingly short. Cormorants, cedar waxwings, Carolina wren, Bewick's wren, Canada geese. Possible grebes on theh water. Mockingbird. Gulls of unknown species. (I'm not good with gulls) Great Blue Heron; American white pelican, chickadee, roadrunner, and probable Cassin's sparrow.
Important notes:
1. I need to write a funny about operating in the constrained spaces of an RV. I didn't whonk my head or whang my elbow this time, but I sure did get conservative in my movements. And to think we travel to get away from small spaces!
2. Never assume a park has firewood to sell OR worms!
3. Charge the dumb phone before traveling, and when you get up in the morning, make sure the flaky charging cable was really connected.
5. According to the trip odometer, we should be able to go about 500 miles on one tank of gas.
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