I heard a couple of slow drummings in the trees, and looking up, could see a large swathe of bark stripped off a dead pine. Could it be...? After a trip back to campground area four to check out the site I wanted for next time, we wandered back to the dead pine. Finally I saw him--Pileated Woodpecker! Just as I'd hoped. Those guys are unmistakable.

Then we loaded up the boat...no birds except this sweet guy
And proceeded with all the usual packing up. I was mildly bummed because there had been so little bird watching this trip. I can't blame the boat--for a couple of the days it was too windy and birds don't seem to get out much in the wind. At least not so I could see.
Bird summary: chickadees, Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, Pileated Woodpecker, common crow, bluebirds, that annoying lttle yellow bird (probably pine warbler), Bald eagle (two adults and a probable immature, circling), Turkey and black vultures, cardinal, mockingbird, blue jay, double-crested cormorant, probable osprey, American White Pelican, mallard. 17 species. Sad.
Trip home, without stops, took 2:31. (From 1:19 to 3:50)
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