Friday, December 6, 2019

Not the adventure story I expected

Only Pack What You Can Carry
by Janice Holly Booth

I hadn't fully expected an instruction manual on How to Live Life, but it wasn't a bad one. The title is telling you not to carry around a lot of baggage that prevents you from achieving your dreams, but the bulk of the text tells you how to do stuff--not how not to carry stuff.

There are many examples from her life, but they''re episodes all meant to tell a story. It starts off like a memoir, and I'd hoped for one, but it quickly becomes an instruction manual and I wasn't all that disappointed.

It's full of quotable quotes. I'll give only one and hope I don't ruin the impact by quoting out of context and without all of the life lessons that make it real.
If the price of doing what you love is that you might die doing it, what is the price of not chasing your dreams or fulfilling your potential? The cost is an interior death, where your dreams, ideas, hopes and schemes wither away, leaving a hollow core to be filled with superficial distractions...

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