Friday, August 28, 2020

If a mystery is just okay, do I really need to read another?

by Mary Anna Evans

Great mystery plot--I didn't figure it out until the end. Interesting heroine and a fairly believable big shoot-'em-up scene at the end. (Not literally shoot-'em-up -- I think the murder weapon of choice was a garotte.)  I almost but not quite want to read a third book in her series...maybe. Oh, yeah--the historical angle was great. So yes, I do want to read a third, but only if the library has it.

The only real complaint I had was the perspective. Third person omniscient--is that a technical definition?  It's the kind where you jump from chapter to chapter into different peoples' heads, and in this case, too many different peoples', even one of the bad guys. I couldn't keep track of them all and I found it pointless and irritating.

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