Monday, October 25, 2021

Gardening Roots, fall on the calendar

We're in the pause season--that interlude between summer and fall when the grass is still green, the leaves are still on the trees, and the cooler air lends an expectation of winter. It feels chilly, but it really isn't.

My garden is still full of zinnias. A couple of years ago, I planted the accumulation of zinnia seed packets we had in the stash. Most were three years old at the time, but they didn't care--they came up in droves. Then reseeded themselves and took over my tomato and root vegetable beds. I've collected a lot of seeds and will collect more before the frost knocks them down, and next year I'll replant them somewhere else. They're beautiful and they attract tons of butterflies, but they're preventing me from getting my fall cleanup work done. It's the old "flower vs. weed" question.


and they are much beloved

My fall garden, what little there is --

Turnip greens

 In the very back is a bit of Speckled Bibb lettuce. Of all the lettuce seed I planted, that may be all I get.

 Probably Daikon radishes

And no picture, but a bunch of green onions coming up where the onions I planted last year failed to thrive. I guess they were waiting for colder weather?

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