Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Mammoth Heads to Brazos Bend State park

Monday, November 1 2021
Planned: 3:10
Actual: 3:44
Stops: quick Walmart stop to get avocado and chips. Gas stop at a Valero right by the park.

Goodbye to Lake Corpus Christi State Park and good friends.

We dawdled over goodbyes and didn't get on the road until eleven or so. And for good reason--I saw the Green Jays that Theresa and I had got a glimpse of the day before. Cool birds!

And then, when I went back to show her the picture of them, a Great Kiskadee sat on the post at the campsite next to us. (For some reason they'd set roune posts into the ground all around all the campsites.)

Two life birds in one day! Uh...sort of. I'd recorded having seen both of them long ago, probably during my trip out to the desert with a college field-trip class. In those days I had a bad habit of checking off birds that someone else had identified but I had not been able to stop and stare at for long enough to burn it into my memory. More recently I've taken time to write about birds seen, and that helps them stay put.

Campground at Brazos Bend

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