Friday 12/2
Day trip to Aransas NWR. It was only about 40 minutes away--I'd thought it was an hour--so we proceeded directly to the visitor center and picked up a map. And, of course, went to the bathroom. Being old and drinking coffee causes those sort of issues.
There was a 14-mile or so auto tour we were going to do, so I decided to go straight to the tower, then do the tour, and then visit all the little pull-offs and walking loops on the way back.
Alas, it was not to be. The wind had stopped overnight and the temperature had stayed in the 60s, climbing to 70 during the day. And the mosquitos, those blood-sucking creatures of the swamps, attacked. Mosquitoes plagued us so badly that Ed couldn't even stand going up the tower. He was wearing shorts and a tee-shirt; I had on long pants and a hoodie over my (embarrassing) white tee-shirt. (Real birders don't wear white!) So I was relatively protected from the mosquitos.
Pelicans, our favorite bird. This is a Brown Pelican
Of course we didn't have any mosquito spray. I'd carried a bottle in my backpack for years but never used it, so I finally took it out to save weight. So it wasn't there when I looked for it, and sure enough, we needed it badly. We made it to the tower and started up, but Ed didn't even get out of the parking lot before he ducked back into the Jeep. I made it up, and once I'd climbed a couple of stories the mosquitos were left behind, But still I had to endure them going up and going back.
These below are White Pelicans.
I did get out of the Jeep long enough to see a Big Tree and a Very Small Alligator,
We drove the wildlife loop, made a couple of stops, and returned. We had to slow down on the way to let a family of raccoons cross the road (in the park) Molly got a bit of a walk, but before long we had to turn around and jog back to make it in time for the phone conference with Edward's school.
After that, Ed and I showered and headed to Pier77 Seafood and Steaks of Rockport. Wow--everyone online had raved at the quantity and quality of their fried seafood, and every one was right. My flounder and sweet potato fries were excellent; Ed's shrimp was also and his onion rings (hand battered) were pretty good. We would have both gotten the oysters but, as the waitress explained, they only sourced seafood harvested locally. Their bay had been over=fished for oysters by a lot of poachers from Louisiana, and so the entire oystering season was canceled until the population recovered. So sad for us, but I'm glad they did it.

My only complaint with the restaurant was that, for the price, they could have thrown in a little coleslaw or some hush puppies. We had plenty of food, but a little variety would have make it perfect. Of course I could have gotten a side order of coleslaw but I'd read it wasn't so great, so I didn't bother. Also I didn't like their tartar sauce at all--it was bland and needed a kick.
But still, 4.25 stars and I'd gladly eat there again.
Birds seen: (at Aransas) Whooping Crane. Great Egret. Common Moorhen. Coot. Kestrels all over the place and mockingbirds. Western Kingbird.
(back at the site) Pelicans, brown and white. Cormorants. Ducks of some species--most likely, Blue-winged Teal and Lesser Scaup. Medium-sized terns.
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