Sunday, February 12, 2023

So promising; so disappointed

 A Billion Years: 

My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology
Mike Rinder

I rushed through this, just to get through it. It was interesting, of course, but not the kind of interesting I expected. There were so many people, places, and things; people, so many eyes were reading the words but my brain was hearing...
    I met so-and-so. I was send to this place to do this job. Then moved to another jog. Then blah-di-blah.
I basically got bored.

If he'd written more deeply, more introspectively, and included a lot of what he was learning and reading and thinking, it could have been a great memoir. As it was, it was a good memoir, I guess. But so very shallow. Detailed...and shallow. How can that be?

Sorry to not enjoy it more. If it had been one-third as long, and skipped a lot of episodes, I would recommend it completed. But I had to skim a lot just to get to the end.

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