Sunday, April 16, 2023

Neither great or mediocre, but I enjoyed

Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running With My Dog Brought Me Back From the Brink
Nita Sweeney

This will be a conflicted review. I applauded her, enjoyed her, and almost couldn't get enough of her running struggles. But the narrative was so very, awfully repetitive. I know she couldn't really help it--it was written in mostly chronological order, day by day or week by week, as she pulled herself out of sleeping-until-noon depression to training for races, to the brink of a marathon try. Will she make the distance?

I'll leave it to you to find out. Despite my struggles with the endless repetition of her narrative: injuries, loss of confidence, fear, lack of motivation and all the rest of the stuff that comes along when a person is trying to start a new habit, I enjoyed the book a great deal. And I don't know how a person could trim it down and still be true to the story.

So, cheers, Nita! Jog on!

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