Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Mammoth Takes Mother, Day 3

11 May

On to Cagle Recreation Area, in the national forest near Conroe. We've been there before, last year I believe. It's where I saw the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker. None of those appeared this time, but I did get some really good looks at Yellow-Throated Warblers on the trail by the water. There were a couple of other warblers, too, but I'm not sure if they were just Pine Warblers or more Yellow-Throated.

Supper at Pappadeaux!  My choice this time was not quite as good as my trout with spinach of the time before the time before, or my catfish with red-beans and rice of the time before. This time I chose Red Snapper (I think) with a barley salad side. And I ordered a house salad too. Honey Mustard Dressing was really good. But after filling up on the salad, I put half of the entree and side away for next day.


When we returned it was a little before eight and not dark yet, so Molly and I took a walk down the trail along behind the campground. No birds there, but then we circled around and walked down the road for a while, and...
BATS!  Lots and lots of bats heading down the road. Not the same bat over and over again, too. I counted twenty but there could have been plenty more that I couldn't count.

So far the trip was going okay. An awful lot of driving. And some frayed nerves as we completely fail to understand each other.

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