Sunday, September 29, 2024

Review: Birding Under the Influence

Birding Under the Influence: Cycling Across America in Search of Birds and Recovery
by Dorian Anderson

Slightly misleading title, unless he meant "the influence of obsessive behavior syndrome."  Because he is clearly an obsessive nutcase--in a pleasing sort of way. Addicted to alcohol and controlled substances, basically anything he could
get his hands on, he manages to quit and stay quit. Only to substitute a new addiction--bicycling across America in search of the ultimate "Bicycle Big Year" goal of 600 birds.

Very enjoyable to read and I wish it were longer. He interleaves the cycling adventure and the bird sightings with long peeks back into his past.  Both are fascinating to read about, but I would have preferred more birds. Not less memories--that part was about perfect--but more birds. But then, I'm a bit of bird watcher myself.

Recommended to anyone even if not interested in birds. And a rare glimpse into the good and the ugly of america, as seen from a lone guy on an overloaded bicycle.

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