Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Review: Ambush

By Barbara Nickless

Drew to an end---

Oops. Almost gave away something I shouldn't.  Beside, it didn't draw anything to an end, rather just added another phase of a continuing theme going through the first books. Maybe there won't ever be an end to it.

Anyway, this was a complete book in itself with an ending that gave you a chance to take a breath, finally. Because the rest of it is so fast-paced that it was nearly impossible to put down and I always ended up reading more than I'd intended to.  She's just that good of an action writer. And the characters are superb, complex, intriguing. And it hurts so much when they die, because, yes, a lot of people do die in the making of this book.  Trigger warning here--not for the faint of heart.

I won't repeat the synopsis you can find on the cover; just say it's every much as good as her others. And as painful.

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