Thursday, February 6, 2025

First flower of spring?


Can't identify it for sure, but the plant app thinks it's probably called Crow Poison aka False Garlic. I'll need to see a flower more closely to verify the description below.

This early spring flower is one of the first to appear on lawns, meadows, or roadsides throughout the state. Often it blooms sporadically in summer and again in the fall. It grows from a bulb and looks much like the wild onion, but has fewer and larger flowers on long stems and lacks the onion odor. The leaves are all at the base of the plant, about 1/8 inch wide, but often quite long, 4-15 inches. The white flowers have 6 tepals with a green to brown stripe, and 6 stamens. Individual flowers are 1/2 inch across and grow in loose clusters on stalks 8-16 inches tall.

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