by Kevin Fedarko
I was expecting a fun hiking adventure and I got it--and a lot more. Although I confess to a near-fatal disbelief in the beginning--how could two guys be so naive and clueless as to set out on a trip so stunningly unprepared? I wanted to quit reading but only slightly less than I wanted to see how he could have gotten such a long book out of such a fatal disaster.
I was glad that I persisted, and them too. Because the adventure turned out better than it started--with a lot of near-disaster along the way--and the book ended up being about much ore than just a hiking adventure. It was the story of the canyon from many perspectives--the hikers and boaters who explored it early on; the native tribes that lost it and recovered it and are in the process (possibly) of losing it again; and the companions and helpers of the author and his colleague who live to explore it nowadays.
There's a lot in this book and it's still a greatly enjoyable adventure. Highly recommended.
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