Monday, November 10, 2014

Swords and sorcery. Oh my!

Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness, #1)

Alanna: The First Adventure
by Tamora Pierce

Pretty good YA adventure.  Set in a make-believe world reminiscent of the middle age knights of chivalry, it's the story of a brother and sister who swap roles.  He becomes a religious and studies to be a sorcerer; she becomes a knight.  That is to say, eventually he becomes a sorcerer and she a knight--this book begins the story, but you sense many more to come.

I've said this about several YA novels but it's still just as true--and not at all demeaning--

If I'd read this as a kid, I'd be hooked for the duration.  As a jaded, seen all, been all, done all grownup, I can live without the rest of the series.  I'll put the second book on my to-read list as number #176 and see if it ever bubbles up to the top.

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