Sunday, February 1, 2015

Failure of my reader's persistence

A Visit From the Goon Squad
by Jennifer Egan

She jumps from a woman with a stealing habit to a man fretting over losing his sex drive and trying to connect with his young son after divorce; to a band of kids in their late teen trying to break into the punk rock scene; to a safari in Africa including a record producer, his girlfriend, his two near-teenage kids, and various other completely uninteresting side characters.  And at that point, she proceeds to start telling the character's futures, like an annoyingly omniscient fortune teller.   So not only am I reading about people I don't even like, I'm having to hear the futures of random people who don't seem to be of much importance to the story.

Then she jumped twenty years into the future, to the record producer in his hospital bed after his second stroke.  Probably about to die, but first it appears he's going to be visited by the now-grownup punk rockers.
I gave up.

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