Sunday, August 2, 2015

The future of graphic novels--I hope

Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic
by Alison Bechdel

I had to sit on the library hold queue for a while to get this--it's been made into a Broadway Musical.  I don't see how--it's just a short graphic novel of episodes in the life of a girl, growing up that usual whack-job sort of a family that seems to turn on supreme creativity.   I've lamented before how sad it is that people often seem to have kids without really considering the alternative. (The mother was Catholic which may be part of it.) 

In my generation--and race and religion and income level--couples make a decision about if and when to have a baby.  They usually don't know what they're getting into, but they're expected to think about it first.  The three kids here seem to be accidents happening along the way as two lives diverge.  They're not expected to have likes and dislikes of their own.

Enough preaching--what about the book?  The drawing seemed very good; in any event, I didn't notice it much and it seemed to tell about half of the story.  Not like Manga, where oftentimes, the drawing IS the story.  And the story is unfolds like a memory, oftentimes in reverse.  It's not so much told as shared, and you feel it too.

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