Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sweetheart of the YA novel

Honey, Baby Sweetheart
By Deb Caletti

I'm having so much trouble not comparing this to The Moon By Night by Madeline L'Engel...but that would be so very unfair and I'd probably get flamed.  I'll only say that the plot is vaguely similar--good girl meets bad boy--but this one went so very many places that that one did not. This heroine has brains and hurmor and she makes a conscious choice to "go wild" rather than simply wallow helplessly in an adolescent identity crisis.  She has a mother who both cares and communicates but also gives her the freedom to make choices, interfering in a kindly way that teaches lessons.  And possibly the mother gets a chance to learn something for herself.

But enough with the comparisons.  Standing on its own, it's funny and exciting and the heroine gets a chance to get out of herself and do something real, something to give her some perspective on what rebellion really means.  And it's a hoot, too.

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