Saturday, February 13, 2021

Road Trip at the Beach

  Wednesday 1/13

The plan for the day was to follow Bob over to Port Aransas and check out a beach he knew of there. So we followed...but soon we noticed that he was missing all of the turns that our google maps indicated we should be taking. Did he not know the way?

He did--he was taking a detour to Big Tree. It is indeed big--around--and would make a great place for a fairy tea party in the branches. I don't think the park service wanted people climbing on the tree, though. A lot of little flitting birds were hanging around it, but before I could get a good picture I was distracted until the unmistakable honk of cranes shot out and a group of them wheeled over. Whooping cranes? So we thought, but when I looked at these pictures afterwards, I deduced they were probably Sandhill cranes

While we admired Big Tree, Bob went around the road to check out a beach he might want to launch his kayak from. He came back and took us over there, and right there in a pasture was a number of sandhill cranes and a couple of whoopers.

Then we went on to Port A, across the ferry. It was very fast getting onto it--less than ten minutes--and the ride seemed instantaneous. My memory of taking it long ago had been that it was long enough for everyone to get out of their cars and that we saw dolphins. Not this time--no one was getting ot of their cars, so I asked the attendant if we were allowed to get out. Answer: not. Coronavirus, of course.

At the beach we took a long slow walk, looking for shells. I got my feet wet and found the water was pretty cold, of course.



And we saw a boat.




Later in the afternoon, having not gotten much exercise, Theresa and I took a fast walk out and around. I'd seen Roseate Spoonbills in a lagoon on the first day, but I never saw them again and wasn't able to show them to Theresa.  Instead we saw rocks

A Royal Tern


And a redhead [redhead]

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