Thursday, February 1, 2024

Book review: A Psalm For the Wild-Built

by Becky Chambers

Gosh. Gorgeous.  Made me think about a lot of deep stuff and didn't leave me with an icky sour angsty existential taste in my mouth.

For the science fiction fans among you, don't bother. There are no light sabers here. No dark lords of fantasy. No insidious poisons that threated humanity. And no enemies from the outer galaxy.

But I say it still belongs in the Sci Fi realm just because it's a possible future, even if (knowing what we know about human nature) very, very improble. But we can at least dream of a world where humans and robots go their separate paths, with the humans choosing a simpler, more peaceable walk of small industry, cottage gardening, and quiet lives.  Or so I think--this is just a very short book and there are many more to come. Maybe I'll find out that the rest of humanity isn't quite as content.  I don't know, but I can't wait to find out!

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