Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 228 dogs and bones and bony dogs

Here's what happens when I give Izzy a bone--

Nothing--that's what happens.   She'll stand there frozen, staring it me, for as long as I can imagine.  Not until I shut the door and am gone will carefully pick it up and slink away with it.

By the way, remember the arugula seed I planted?  I didn't really want it but I had empty space in the herb bed so I picked it off the rack at Wal-mart.  And it turns out, I kind of like it!   In small quantities it really spices up a salad.  (Plus it's easy to grow and bugs don't seem to care for it.)

I'm trying to get caught up on the gardening before going to the movies this afternoon, but it's hard.  I went off on a tangent, cleaning up my junk that I'd piled in the garage over the last couple of years and trying to find the source of the "dead animal" odor.  I didn't find it--clearly something had been living at the bottom of the rag bag, but its remains were nowhere to be seen.

It came a short rain so it's dripping humidity out there.  It's 83 outside, 84 inside because the heat pump froze up and we had to leave it turned off while we went to the movies...I just took the dogs for a walk and I'm hot-flashing like crazy....

And there's a cat on my lap.

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