Saturday, July 13, 2013

Homecoming by Cynthia Voigt

I'm five books ahead of schedule, but once I'd picked up Homecoming I couldn't put it down.  It's an adventure, a bit of a mystery, a travel tale and a character piece all at once.  If I'd read it as a kid, I'd have immediately rushed out to buy a copy for myself and start over.  I might even do that now.

(That's a bit of poetic license.  As a kid, I couldn't afford to rush out and buy anything.  But I'd check it out of the library over and over again, reading until the edges were fuzzing, pages were falling out, and I had huge swathes memorized.)

Four kids, abandoned in a mall parking lot with eleven dollars and fifty cents, set out to find their Aunt Cilla.  There's no planes, trains, and automobiles here--there's footpower, determination and courage.  It was like a 1970s remake of The Boxcar Children

The ending was what turned this from 4 to 5 stars--there was no sugar-coated Disney "let's all have a big dance party" ending.  But there was an ending.  And six other books in the series which I must now read.  Other than that, I'm scared to tell you anything.  I started the book knowing nothing, absolutely nothing, about it.  And I recommend you do, too.

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