by Judith Yates Borger
I can't believe I've just read three of her books and still can't decide if I like them or not. They are certainly interesting, but there's a certain lack of depth that offputs me. (Is offput even a word?)
I'm willing to believe the author deliberately created a main character with a lack of personal insight. It's an effective trick, after all--think of Scarlett O'Hara. Ms. Borger's Skeeter Hughes swears again and again that she's going to put family life first and newspaper work second, but she never does and we all doubt she ever will. If she did it'd be boring as heck.
And I don't want an insipid teenybop heroine who agonizes over her choices eternally (think--any of them you know), nor a self-centered nincompoop who never doubts her decisions (think Bella). I just want a little honesty, eg, a grownup being honest with herself.
So I don't know whether to recommend this or not. I guess so. There's lots of good stuff here about real people and real stuff. It's just the detective person I don't get.
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