The Dirt Diva's Down-to-Earth Guide to Organic Gardening
by Annie Spiegelman
In the section on native plants she lists a European plant that is now considered invasive species in America. Huh?
But ignoring that minor boo-boo, this is an excellent little book of tips and tricks and a goodly number of plant variety suggestions. And this very useful warning, on pruning:
Even though it's tempting, don't prune during PMS or after a long wearisome phone call with or mother or immediately after a divorce. You'll regret your severe slashing and then you'll have more to sob about. Put away the sharp objects and go get a pint of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey instead.
I believe she's helped me with my quest for high nitrogen fertilizer to add to my compost pile. I was hoping to go pilfer from cow patties but then I got to reading about salmonella. Apparently alfalfa meal can be obtained from feed stores in bags; soybean or cottonseed meal is better but both may be contaminated with pesticides. Any of the above would be fine.
Looks like a trip to AgMart is in my near future. And a recommendation--if you're just starting out in gardening this book will give you confidence and a whole heap of useful information. And if you've been at it for a while, give it a whirl anyway.
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