I made the best fresh tomato marinara sauce I've ever tasted! Does everyone have a special food that's so saucy and rich and intense that it makes them want to swoon? Apparently for me it's tomato sauce.
I made it from my harvest, plus a bit of grocery store onion and garlic. My home grown onions are a little on the small side and I was too lazy to deal with them.
I'm thinking next week's report should concentrate on bugs. I'll try, but I stink at taking pictures of bugs. The picture below is supposed to be showing grasshoppers' fondness for beans, but you have to use your imagination on that little speck to the far left-hand side.
Aren't these the prettiest okra you ever saw? But be warned--I haven't tasted them yet. I'm trying to cobble together enough for a fry.

And the flowers are even prettier--
The sole cantaloupe is baseball size, but still trying to hide.

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