Tuesday, September 5, 2017

State of the Garden Report, September is not fall

Oh, look. Clearly someone planted way too many turnip seeds.

And someone is going to be suffering--having to murder three-quarters of the younglings.  Why didn't I check the planting distance, halve it, and plant single seeds in a diamond pattern, like:

     o        o         o       o
          o         o        o       o
Then at least when thinning time came, I could sacrifice every other plant and have a nice mess of greens.  My official garden stick says 4-inch spacing. Seems a little close.

On the other hand, it's clearly too hot and dry for the beets I was cooing over last week. I've covered the bed with a board for the hot part of the day and will do so again tomorrow. After tomorrow it's supposed to drop a few degrees, from 92F to 82F (33C to 28C), so I'll stop. Can't leave 'em in the dark forever.

I ordered shallots this spring but they arrived way too late to plant. So I saved them in the pantry but that probably was a bad choice--too warm and dry.  Only two survived and they're very, very happy to finally be in the ground. Or so they told me.

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