All I have to report on is turnips, growing like weeds. Some people think they
are weeds. I was thinking something dug up a bunch of my broccoli, but it looks more like something was digging in the perimeter (where the wood chips are) and accidentally buried the poor little dears. When I started to replant them, I scratched the surface and started finding the baby sprouts under two to four inches of soft soil. I unearthed as many as I could and replanted nearby in case they don't make it. Probably an opossum--I've seen the damage an armadillo can do and this is nothing compared to that.
Some people recommend a motion-activated sprinkler system to scare off nocturnal varmints. Sounds like an idea..but what happens if you forget to turn it off before you head out to garden?
The Evil God of Texas Weather appears to have nixed most all of my chance of rain for the week. He might permit the temperature to fall below 80 for a couple of days, but by next week we're back up again, near 90. Doom and gloom.
On this dismal realization, I skipped further work and cooked some freezer fillers instead:

Trofie a la Pesto (okay, I had to use rotini) and Lentil Curry with Collards.
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