by Jojo Moyes
With all that I've read about World War II in my days, it's a pleasant change to go back to the innocent days of the first war. Still war, of course, never innocent and not very pleasant. but at least civilians weren't sent to death camps (just worked to death in work camps) and they weren't gassed--although a lot of soldiers were.
Ms. Moyes did a great job at creating people who were so real and lifelike that I had strong emotions throughout. Which is why it took me so long to read it--I just didn't like the main characters! They were too aggravatingly human and flawed. Too headstrong and irrational and emotional and admirable--and always, so very very upsetting.
If you're like me and want to quit after the first few chapters, don't. There's a switch coming. Is that too much to say? No, the book jacket spills the beans. I'd had all I could take of Sophie early on and it was a relief to leave her behind.
Great writing; great story. not entirely my own personal cup of tea, but welcome for a change.
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