Everything survived, even me. (I was out driving home when the front came through and I may have narrowly dodged a tornado!) But I can't exactly say anything looks happy. Except the grass. It's cropping up in huge clumps in places where I never saw grass before.
The beets are the biggest disappointment so far. Something is eating the leaves as fast as the leaves can form. I don't think it's bugs--look at this--

The beans survived the cold, but they're not looking good at all. I just replanted a lot of them; maybe it was too early for them. Will see. But what we won't see, is an early harvest of radishes. It's true that the purpose of the radishes was to be a nurse crop for carrots, but still I expected to eat a few of them. I'd chosen a white 'icicle' variety in memory of my mother--it's her favorite--but these must be the slowest growing radishes in all creation. I've pulled up four and there's no more than a pencil-tip of root down there.
The carrots they're nursing:
I hope to have a better report next week, but Friday's prediction looks like a re-run of last Fridays'.
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