...adding sugar (or honey or maple syrup, as the case may be) to carrots is mind-bogglingly wrong-headed, because carrots are already sweet. Adding more sugar takes them to a weird, nauseating no-man’s-land between dinner and dessert—vegetal in appearance and texture, candied in flavor, disconcerting all around.
She's saying exactly what I've been thinking all along, and furthermore, I think this goes double for butternut squash and triple for sweet potatoes. No candied yams for me!
Unfortunately, along with all these cooking tips, I've acquired at least five new recipes.
Surprise Cinnamon Rolls
by L.V.Anderson for Slate's You're doing it wrong series
Surprisingly puffy! The dough rose and puffed and fluffed under my fingers as I was trying to roll it--I barely got one complete spiral in. They flunked in appearance but aced the flavor category. Yoo-hoo! I'll share the recipe link http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2012/05/30/the_best_cinnamon_roll_recipe_contains_a_surprise_ingredient_no_one_will_ever_guess.html with one comment--you should double the butter/cinnamon/sugar filling. And don't melt the butter. She said room temperature and she meant it.
(some dummy melted the butter and it all ran off onto the counter.)
Orange Oat Pancakes
Well...I cheated. The recipe said to mix rolled oats with whole wheat flour
and other wholesome things, then fry like a pancake. But my gut feeling was that the oats were going to be chewy and the flour would have a raw taste and the
result would be dry and horrid, probably going straight to the compost bucket.
My modification was to mix everything up and let it sit on the counter for a
couple of hours. I had to add a little extra water--

Ugly, but good.
It would be clever to make up a big batch of these and freeze them. Convenience food for the health-conscious.
An embarrassing thing about my pantry--when I pulled out the single-serving container
of applesauce I'd been saving for a recipe such as this, I saw that the second ingredient was high fructose corn syrup. Right there on the label!
How old must that have been?
Needless to say I chucked it and microwaved an apple chopped with a little water.
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