Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Running and biking and too

Fit At Mid-Life
by Samantha Brennan and Tracy Isaacs

A book based on a blog...not an original concept these days, but it works. Sometimes it works better but this was no disappointment even though I've been reading the blog for years.  Two good friends undertake the challenge of becoming as fit as they possibly could before turning 50. And--no spoiler--they succeed!

Most interesting for me was one of them fighting to turn her thoughts about food and eating from "diet to be thin" to "eat to be strong."  If I were an athlete, I'd probably have a better argument with my various snacks and I really want to carry that second beer on my body during my run tomorrow? Or, would a second cup of beans be so bad, when it's fuel for my 25-mile bike ride?

I shan't be undertaking a triathlon on inspiration from reading this, but I will loudly applaud anyone who does!

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